

I help women walk in their truth and connect back to their inner knowing and aligned authentic selves. I midwife women in their path of awakening.

Jenna Aitken-Smith - Earth Spirit Medicine


I'm Jenna

With over a decade of experience in guiding individuals through profound transformation, I bring a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and expertise to my practice.

Through a holistic lens, I support you to address the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your being to uncover and heal the root cause of your suffering.

By working on creating true lasting transformation rather then providing a temporary fix for symptoms, I empower you through somatic work and body Deva work, breathwork, spiritual practices and self-inquiry to find true inner peace, self-actualization and profound personal growth.

Your journey starts today!


Work with me!

Earth Spirit Medicine - Mentoring


empowering women

leaves - breathwork





Earth Spirit Medicine - Manifest

I have a gift for you!

Earth spirit medicine: Resilience Revolution - free tools & audios for emotional mastery in turbulent times.


« I just received an amazing, guided breath journey with Jenna Aitken-Smith. Jenna has a deep knowing and understanding of how the breath is a powerful tool, to support in receiving, releasing and cultivating our physical, energetic and spiritual bodies. This ancient tool has been used and proven since the beginning of time and Jenna’s passion, integrity and wisdom is woven throughout her workshops to guide us to a safe and healing place within. Jenna teaches in a simple, grounded and fun way for everyone to follow. If you are looking for a powerful tool to support you to peel back the layers towards your light - Jenna sessions are the key! » 

Gail Joy, Soul Wisdom Within

« In Jenna's Manifest Your Magic course I gained a clearer and more holistic perspective of my breath, how to integrate different modalities into daily practice, and how to prime my body for breathwork sessions. Jenna taught multiple breath techniques in tandem with spiritual practices that unlocked different parts of body, heart, and mind. Returning each time for this multi-part series encouraged deeper exploration of these places with each session. I left with an affirmed sense of how breathwork is one of the most effective healing modes I have found. As a facilitator, Jenna is unpretentious, easeful, and supportive in her teaching, cultivating a non-judgemental and sacred space for healing » 

Brittany Kleinschnitz

"I am a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman. That’s me." Maya Angelou

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